Simply Pole Fishing

 Alkmaar 2019 with the RAF Old Lags 

We were last in Alkmaar in 2019. 

Reigning Old Lags Alkmaar Champion - Phil Foster
The same anglers are contending for the title of Old Lags Alkmaar Champion 2022!

In 2019, there were six different winners of the six matches. 

It was pretty close all week. I think the weights in 2022 will be much higher.

Sadly, the blank on day 3 on the lake in Alkmaar cost me dearly. 

The results from all six days are here.

I should have gone with the long range feeder approach like Phil Foster, who blitzed the day with his catch of Bream. Great fishing Phil - and a worthy Champion!

The overall result from 2019 - it was pretty close, but that big bag of Bream for Phil Foster sealed the victory!
The fish from my only win - nice to pick up some money.